
Becoming like Jesus in Community

Groups are a vital part of Grace Church and we believe they are one of the best ways in which we can become more like Jesus.

We have three types of Group, these are Community Groups, Focus Groups and Formation Groups.

Community Groups are an opportunity to build deeper friendships, grow in personal faith and sharing life together.
These offer opportunities to go on a longer-term journey with others, and a more sustainable pace (jog). These groups are usually between 12-16 people and led by a team.

Focus Groups are an opportunity to study a particular course, area of interest and to go deep quickly (sprint). These typically run for a term at a time and are intended to run alongside Community Groups. These groups are made up of around 12-18 people and can be lead by a team or an individual.

Formation Groups are places where we can grow deep relationships with 2 or 3 other people, a place to be open and to shape each other. These are based around established friendships, and a good way of finding out who to be in a focus group with is by joining a Community Group or Focus Group.

Please check out below to find out what Community Groups and Focus Groups are available.

Community Groups

Focus Groups