About us
Our Vision
A Spirit filled community on mission.
Spirit Filled
When the Bible talks about being filled with the Spirit, it is not only speaking about the spectacular, or the spontaneous, it’s talking about being spirit-animated people. The life we have is energized by him. It means that we are directed by the Spirit; it means that we are empowered by the Spirit and it means that we’re equipped by the Spirit.
Unless we are directed, and powered and equipped, we will never be able to fulfil our mission… but the glorious truth is that in Christ, we are.
Church is not an event – or a trip to the ‘spiritual supermarket’ where we get what we need, and then just leave. It’s a place which thrives on relationship, commitment, and involvement.
If you are in Christ, and others in Christ, you are connected at a more fundamental level than you are connected to anybody else on earth. You are brothers and sisters in Christ, and as part of the same church community, we are to love, encourage, serve and strengthen one another.
On Mission
God wants us to be people that enjoy his creation and look after it and look after people and bring out their potential. He wants us to be helping with the healing, of the hurting, the caring for those in need. And at the very heart, by showing God’s love in those ways to draw people to him, and a commitment to his Son.
As followers of Jesus, part of our mission is to be good news: as neighbours, to be good news as colleagues, to be good news in our workplace and in the places where we study – because we have a living relationship with the Creator God.
Who’s who
Claire Annetts
Liz Gingell
Huw Hadden
Staff Team
Kez Greenhalgh
Kids Lead
Staff Team
Susy Holding
Youth Lead
Staff Team
Julia Rice
Finance and Logistics
Staff Team
Dan Roach
Staff Team
Dave Rogers
Staff Team
Mick Taylor
Chris Collison
Jess Hadden
The Story so far.
We began life as Frontiers Church Exeter in 2003 when Andy and Jane Arscott moved to the city to start a Newfrontiers church.
As in any family, we have seen lots of change. We are a multigeneration church with people from many different backgrounds. We’re made up of students, young adults, families with many children and a good number of wise older members.
Over the years we have met in various venues around the city as we have grown and have needed different places to meet. We believe that church is about people, not buildings, but have enjoyed using The Maynard School, Magdalen Court School, and most recently The Hall and ISCA Academy for our Sunday meetings.
In 2012, Andy handed the leadership of the church to Stu Alred, an Exeter University graduate and former Exeter Chiefs rugby player.
In 2014, we officially became Grace Church Exeter. Our name is an expression of our central message of God’s grace towards all people and marked the start of a new chapter for us as a church.
At the start of 2022, Stu felt called to train as a teacher and Mick Taylor and Dan Roach led the church through a time of transition and looking for a Pastor to join and bring leadership to the team.
In April 2023, Dave Rogers and family moved to Exeter from Ascot and Dave joined the team as Pastor.
In March 2024, Huw Hadden joined the eldership team.
We’d love you to join us as we explore, experience and express the Christian faith together.

What we believe…
If you're new here, you might be curious about what we believe and what makes us tick as a community.
At the heart of everything we do is our faith, and to give you a clearer picture of our core values, please check out the Basis of Faith from the Evangelical Alliance, one of our partners. This will hopefully give a picture into our core beliefs.
You can view the Evangelical Alliance’s Basis of Faith here.
We’re also are really happy to answer any questions you might have, whether it's about our church, our faith, or anything else, we'd love to hear from you. Just send us an email or give us a call, and we’ll be happy to chat.