Grace Church Exeter

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New Preaching Series.

We are so looking forward to studying the book of Romans together in our major preaching series this year. We’ll begin in January and will probably finish sometime in November, taking a few breaks for special Sundays, at Easter and over the Summer. 

Romans is majestic. It is the Mount Everest of Paul’s writings and perhaps the most significant book in the Bible. It is Paul’s longest letter, in fact the longest letter of ancient literature that has been found. 

The study of Romans has had a profound shaping effect on the past 2,000 years of church history. It has been transformative for key individuals and has shaped whole eras of history and theological movements. Augustine of Hippo in the fourth century, Martin Luther in the sixteenth century, John Wesley in the eighteenth century and Karl Barth in the twentieth century are just a few theological giants for whom this letter has been a turning point. We trust it will do us much good as a church too!

If you would like to dig deeper into Romans, we would recommend Andrew Ollerton’s recent book Romans: A Letter That Makes Sense of Life which is available here.

Join us as we together study The Greatest Letter Ever Written.